Thursday, May 19, 2011

When Fukushima fails Japan

Is India government more capable than 
Japanese government?

Dear Friends,  

This mail I received below gives frightening first hand account minute by minute about what pursued  immediately after March 11 earth quake in Japan and the tsunami thereafter.

If Japanese scientists and technical experts who the world considers the brains in technological advancement got so panicky, confused, and didn't know what their next decisions, immediate steps must be to avoid nuclear disaster, imagine something on this scale happens in India, what will be the consequences? And who will pay the heavy price?

Do you think, anybody from our governance and administration will be as quick as Japanese were in the thick of disaster when time was the essence and every second was important to ACT?

Do we have that capability and sense of urgency in our administration to make decisions on war footing basis to save lives of hundreds and thousands?

In India, first the political blame game will start, when the people will be suffering or dying. Bhopal is a classic example we have been watching where thousands lost lives and many are suffering and still suffering for the last thirty years and no justice done?  Our politicians are so insensitive and selfish that they go to any length to fool around with citizens. Today, everyone of them is trying to convince the local population and citizens that it is all safe and we are  learning our lessons from every disaster.

Honestly, what did this world learned from Chernobyl?  Nothing. Zero. Or Fukushima would not have happened. When Japan is earth quake prone and every day they experience their land shaking under their feet, why did they decide to go for five nuclear installations in the country?

Because, their scientists, experts and politicians must have gone over board saying, ohh, nothing can happen and nothing will happen because we are capable of handling all emergencies.

And when the time came to prove their abilities... read what exactly happened. You can see from the minute by minute account, everyone shat in their pants. And in the panic, no one could take right decisions.

Read the first hand minute by minute account.

And then think. Rationally and logically. Forget about what the locals are saying and what the politicians are saying.This is no politics. This is talking of human life and safety. This is talking about disaster management. Answer these questions in sincerity.

Is India government more capable than Japanese government? Is our nuclear fraternity and operators more competent than Japanese?

Ajay Angre

Author, Writer, Publisher.


Monday, May 16, 2011

Stop insulting civil society.


Dear Friends,

You all must have read and watched this news in the media. It is outrageous to see the politicians showing their arrogance towards people of the society. In this case a college girl who captured a video just to warn all,  that "Chatpata" you have on the roadside  may not be as healthy as you think and so WATCH OUT!.

What did the girl do wrong who was humiliated and insulted publicly by Raj Purohit?   
It was conveyed with best of intentions with civic sense.

What was wrong in it for Raj Purohit, BJP city chief to take an offense?

This was totally and completely VOTE BANK POLITICS at it's best.

Imagine, a party of National status has a city Chief who cares more for vote bank politics. Who cares more for illegal vendors using foot paths, and not for what is destroying this city?

His public speech shown on all national TV channels was not only outrageous against the college girl but it crossed all decencies of the civil society.  

Imagine, Raj Purohit, the BJP City Chief is not bothered about this city facing serious issues like scarcity of drinking water, electricity shortage. Tons of garbage on the roads creating health issues because of  which drainage lines, water Nallahs getting blocked and  completely chocked that created 26 July monsoon floods and hundreds of Mumbaites lost lives. 

He is not bothered about the stinking, rotten garbage at every place that is posing serious health issues like Malaria, Chickengunia, Jaundice, Cholera.

The City Chief of BJP is not concerned with all these serious issues being faced by this city mainly because illegal settlements, and illegal hawkers are the vote banks they create and protect. This illegal activities in Mumbai is the root cause of all corrupt practices where
all governing authorities, officers, politicians are involved in the loot and destroying this city. 

If a civil society member raises an issue about an unhealthy act, it becomes a major issue for BJP City Chief Raj Purohit? And he has the arrogance to do character assassination of the young girl publicly? Who is he trying to please? His vote Bank?

YES! politicians like Raj Purohit of BJP or Digvijay Singh of Congress or Ministers of NCP simply want to create their vote banks. For them You and Me are of no concern because you and me do not  fill their pockets. To stay in power and keep looting this country is the only agenda of some who have entered politics.

And that is why Civil Society MUST DEMAND these unsocial elements be thrown out from political arena immediately and there should be no place given for such self serving self centered  people who are not only corrupt but display arrogance towards civil society.  

We the civil society must come out in millions to support Anna Hazare and his movement against corruption and corrupt politicians to cleanse this corrupt political system if our elected government has failed or supporting directly or indirectly these criminal corrupt elements. 

Raj Purohit, BJP city chief who has offended the sentiments of the Civil Society, civil society demands...

First...Raj Purohit must apologize to civil society publicly and BJP sacks Raj Purohit immediately.

Stop insulting civil society.

Ajay Angre 

Author, Writer, Publisher  
PS. Forward this article to all your contacts if you do not wish to be humiliated and insulted next for making civil society aware about wrong things.You must support the young collegian who braved this to expose to alert you and me as citizen's reporter. Today, she needs your support.