If you become a Hindu . . .
I found this writeup by Maria Wirth quite helpful in seeing political and social issues in perspective. Please spend some time to read this article By Maria Wirth just to understand different view points.
Ajay Angre
A research and knowing !! By Maria Wirth
The topic of conversion has become center stage in India – not
because millions have been converted from their Hindu faith to
Christianity and Islam in recent years, but because some 50 Muslim
families came back to Hindu Dharma.
How dare Hindus do what only Christians and Muslims are entitled
to?’ seems to be the motto.
Strangely, not only representatives of the
dogmatic religions and western mainstream media, including the New York
Times, are outraged, but even Indians with Hindu names. Why would they
bat for religions that require blind faith, and not for their own Dharma
that is based on deep philosophy?
The reason may be that, many Indians
are ignorant, when it comes to religion. They neither know their own
traditions, as they have been to convent schools or grown up in
westernized families, nor do they know the insidious effect of dogmatic
religions as they never were insiders.
Since I grew up as a Christian, I may see clearer why the dogmatic
religions depend on conversion and indoctrination to gain followers.
reason is simple: Suppose a community on some island is completely
unconnected to the modern world. They will never become Christians or
Muslims because they would need to be told a story about God sending his
only son to earth 2000 years ago, etc. and then they would need to
believe it blindly and get baptized. Yet if these islanders had wondered
about the truth, they might have come to similar conclusions like
Sanatana Dharma, as it doesn’t depend on some event in history. It only
requires dedicated, deep enquiry into “That What Truly Is – Now And
Everyone, who learns about Christianity and Islam, will right away
discover illogicality: both religions claim that they are the only true
religion and all human beings have to follow it, and both also claim
that the Creator of this universe has endorsed this claim. Now such
claim would be of great consequence, if it were true. However, none of
the contenders for the “only truth” provides any proof. To cover this
up, they put forth an ingenious idea: “You will know that it is the
truth when you are dead. After you die you will be rewarded with heaven
for believing what we tell you.”
“And what if it is not true?” may someone have asked.
“What!! You doubt the word of God? You deserve to be put to death!” was the harsh answer given by both religious ideologies over many centuries.
So apart from dangling the carrot regarding the other world, they
also used the stick in this world. The threat: “If you don’t believe
what we tell you, you will be killed”, was not only the hissing of a
snake. It was a deadly bite. Christianity stopped killing in the name of
God only some 250 years ago and Islam is still at it, with ISIS or Boko
Haram being examples of inhuman brutalities in the name of Allah.
Why would they do this? Do they really believe that it is God’s
I don’t know. But I guess that ultimately it is about power and
big money and not about “saving souls”, as claimed.
The strategy to claim divine approval for the demands of a small
group had mind boggling results. After some 2000 years for Christianity
and 1400 years for Islam, 2 billion human beings consider themselves as
Christians and 1,5 billion as Muslims. Imagine,
Christianity started with a small group in Palestine and later in Rome,
and Islam started with a small group in Mecca and later in Medina.
These huge numbers are no doubt extraordinary. However, it was paid for with a heavy price by countless individuals who felt not convinced by the dogmas and behavior of the clergy, but had to conform if they held their lives dear. Further, societies under the sway of Christianity and Islam were neither free, nor happy.
One’s own conscience needed to be suspended in favor of the
religious doctrine.
I learnt it in catechism class as a child: "If there is conflict between one’s conscience and what the Church says, one has to follow the Church.”
This demand is serious and shows that not all is well with those
religions. Is conscience, supported by sound reason, not our moral
barometer? Is freedom of conscience not guaranteed in the Declaration of
Human Rights? Is it not dangerous to demand suspension in favor of an
ideology that may promote, apart from good, also unethical behavior?
Should such ideologies that demand blind allegiance not be intensely
scrutinized in the interest of humanity?
ISIS terrorists are a case in point. Have those youngsters no
conscience? Or has it been silenced by the Quranic injunction to wage
Jihad for Allah? They brush away any human feeling and justify their
worst, violent instincts. Do they really believe they will be rewarded
with paradise for slaughtering other human beings in whom the same one
life and love is throbbing?
There are other features of the dogmatic religions that don’t stand up to scrutiny:
For example the claim that the creator – God or Allah – is watching
us from ‘somewhere’. He (alleged to be male) is not our essence
according to the dogmatic religions. To claim, as Indian traditions do,
that the cause/ creator is permeating the whole universe, and we are in
our innermost being one with That, is considered heresy. Several
Christian and Muslim mystics were killed for expressing their experience
of being one with the Whole.
Another doubtful claim is that human beings have only one life, and
on the basis of this one life, eternity will be decided – either heaven
or hell. Simply by reasoning, this seems unlikely. Then there are many
cases (over 3000 are documented in the archive of the University of
Virginia, USA.) where persons remembered their past life and gave
details about their previous life that nobody could know. Moreover, the
law of karma makes much more sense when it is stretched over many lives.
Another point is the attitude towards animals and nature. Man is
considered as the crown of creation and the rest is there for his
service. It is clearly a harmful attitude and the west is in the process
of changing it. Butchering animals on a daily basis by the millions
can’t be the ‘right’ of man. It demeans him.
Vegetarianism is, at least in theory, seen as a solution to many problems.
Extremely harmful is also another attitude: Arrogance towards
those, who don’t belong to one’s religion, as they are damned by the
Highest himself. “Don’t think about truth” is told to children and
adults. “Man can never know the truth. God had to reveal it and he has
revealed it only in the Bible”, claims Christianity or “only in Quran”,
claims Islam. And they assure their flock: “You belong to the chosen
ones. You are very lucky”
Unfortunately, this claim caters to a weakness in human beings. Who
doesn’t like to feel superior to others, and more so, when it is
divinely ordained? Further, to belong to a big group of like-minded
people gives a sense of strength. The only requirement is ‘blind faith’
in return. It may seem a small price, but it is huge. It undermines
one’s integrity and humanness.
Christianity stopped killing those who dissent with the dogmas of
the Church, but “conversion” of heathen is still considered the sacred
duty of every good Christian. Muslims, too, have to bring the whole
world to worship only Allah and obviously, the agenda is still
unfinished. “Conversion” has necessarily an element of coercion –
allurement, deception or threat – because believing unverifiable claims
as absolute truth does not come naturally. Both religions didn’t grow to
those huge numbers by convincing arguments, as there are no convincing
arguments. They grew by conversion and by indoctrination of small
children born to those who were converted. Every sane, liberal person
should welcome a ban on conversions by coercion.
Westerners are gradually getting out from the grip of forced
Christianity. Theirs was a joyless religion and many are tired of it.
They don’t believe anymore that only one way leads to truth; they
consider rebirth as possible and become vegetarians.
They are influenced by Indian thought and those who visited India are almost envious of the joyful, sacred atmosphere of spiritual India. Just attending for example Ganga Arti or Ramayana Parayanam induces automatically a feeling of awe, wonder and joy.
“We are all Hindus now” was the title of an article in Newsweek a
few years ago that summarized the preference among many Americans for
Indian insights that are based on reason and intuition, instead of
blindly believing in Christian dogmas. This does not mean that those
Americans stop praying to Jesus or won’t sing Christmas carols, but they
don’t swallow the whole belief system anymore. They use their
conscience and intelligence, and refuse to believe incredible dogmas,
like that heathen go to hell. This means, they are more like Hindus.
Westerners become more Hindu and persons with Hindu names shout on Indian TV that Indians that were converted must continue to wear their straightjacket and must not be allowed to come back to their eternal, joyful Dharma. Further, these same persons have no objection that Christians and Muslims continue their conversion agenda by dubious means and plenty of money. The strangest thing: these people claim to be liberal, secular and progressive. Can someone please make them see light?
Authored By Maria Wirth
Saturday, January 3, 2015
Religous Conversions and a third perspective By a Christian
Thursday, January 1, 2015
Arun Jetley Exposes Congress on Amit Shah False case
Arun Jetley Exposing in this letter
How Congress Fabricated false case
against Amit Shah to fix Narendra Modi in fake Encounter case
Read how Congress misused CBI shamelessly and
How so called honest Dr Manmohan Singh was party to it
This is a factual account of events by Arun Jetley
CBI Special Court at Mumbai has discharged Amit Shah, the BJP President, of all charges relating to a case of his involvement in the alleged killing of Soharabuddin and Tulsi Prajapati.
I have been following this case actively from the time of its investigation, filing of charges, arrest of Amit Shah and grant of bail to him.
I had written a letter on 27th September 2013 to the then Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh, in my capacity as Leader of Opposition in Rajya Sabha. The letter pertains to misuse of CBI against BJP leadership.
In the letter, I had written with regard to these two cases as under:
“Sohrabudin Encounter case"
The encounter in which one Sohrabudin Sheikh was killed was an operation allegedly directed by the Intelligence Bureau of the Central Government. It has been a practice that when the Intelligence Bureau processes and develops intelligence, it keeps vigilance on the target. Thereafter when an opportunity arises to arrest the target, the State police is associated with the operation.
Sohrabudin was a noted mafia who operated in Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan and was carrying prize on his head in Madhya Pradesh.
He was an illegal weapon dealer. He had also been convicted under TADA.
The search conducted by Madhya Pradesh police at his premises at village Jharnia, District Ujjain had yielded more than 40 AK-56 rifles, hundreds of AK-56 cartridges and hundreds of hand grenades. He was an absconder from the police agencies of various state governments.
After his encounter on 24/25-11-2005 his brother filed a Writ Petition in the Supreme Court. The filing of the said petition was also sponsored by Congress Party. The then Addl. Solicitor General of India, Shri Gopal Subramaniam in a pre-conceived and planned move, appeared on day one before the Court and agreed to take instructions from the Central Government. Subsequently, the Attorney General appeared for the Union of India and Gopal Subramaniam designated himself as Amicus Curiae without any specific order of the court appointing him.
The Government of India conceded that the investigations be handed over to the CBI. Though the Central Government should be a mere formal party, the then Attorney General used to appear and oppose even motion for adjournments. Since objections were raised with regard to the fairness of the CBI, the Supreme Court ordered investigations by a team of Gujarat Police officers of the State Police under its supervision.
The State police reconstructed the encounter, conducted scientific investigation under supervision of the Hon’ble Supreme Court and implicated and arrested several police officers including three IPS officers. Upon hearing the arguments of the Union of India and Shri Gopal Subramaniam, the amicus curiae and others, the Supreme Court referred the matter to the CBI. The ground on which the Supreme Court transferred the case to the CBI was that the investigation involved inter-state ramifications and the Andhra Pradesh angle of the matter had not been probed.
As a matter of fact the Congress Government in Andhra Pradesh did not cooperate in the investigation by Gujarat police which is a matter of record.
The CBI investigated the case but did not investigate any of the four points, on the basis of which the case was referred to the CBI, which were the points found lacking in Gujarat police investigation. It did not probe the Andhra Pradesh angle of the case seriously. The probable purpose of the CBI in this case was to try and implicate the political establishment of Gujarat, setting aside the pretense of federal character of India’s governance.
The CBI targeted Shri Amit Shah, the then Home Minister and also the Minister of Law, Transport & Parliamentary Affairs of the State of Gujarat with the ultimate desire of implicating Narendra Modi, the Chief Minister of Gujarat.
Shockingly, when the Legal department of the CBI opined that there was no case against Shri Amit Shah, the same was responded to by the Supervisory Officer of CBI, putting up a “Note” by observing that the arrest of Amit Shah would enable the CBI to get some more witnesses particularly the police officers since they would then feel intimidated.
He also opined that arresting Amit Shah was necessary since it was necessary to reach the eventual target of investigation of Narendra Modi. This note was approved by the Director, CBI, Shri Ashwani Kumar.
The CBI arrested Amit Shah with no prosecutable evidence against him.
In order to arrest Amit Shah, they relied on the false testimony of two witnesses namely, Ramanbhai Patel and Dashrathbhai Patel, noted land grabbers of Gujarat. Shri Amit Shah, as per the CBI theory in the Charge Sheet, is alleged to have told both of them six months after the encounter that Sohrabudin had left no option for himself. This was incorporated as an extra judicial confession It is noteworthy that both Ramanbhai Patel and Dashrathbhai Patel have criminal antecedents and criminal cases in Gujarat.
These two witnesses were felicitated for having given such a deposition against Shri Amit Shah in a function presided over by Shri Shankersinh Waghela, the then President of Gujarat Congress.
The testimony of these two witnesses is based upon the alleged extortion from them to help them in PASA detention. The record of the Gujarat Government shows that no detention of these persons under PASA was never in contemplation. Said two witnesses also claimed that they have paid a sum of Rs. 75 lacs to Shri Amit Shah through one Ajay Patel in three different installments with specific dates mentioned by them in their statement.
They gave the specific dates of payments on which they allegedly physically handed over the alleged amount to Shri Ajay Patel. They further claimed that they were there through all the dates. This testimony is false without any further probe inter alia on the ground that on some of the dates Ajay Patel was not even in India and his passport establishes this fact.
This was a key substance of a frivolous charge sheet filed against Shri Amit Shah. Shri Amit Shah was granted bail on this charge sheet by the Gujarat High Court by a detailed speaking order inter alia holding that there is no prima facie case against Shri Amit Shah.
The CBI, however, challenged the said order and upon the request of the CBI, the Supreme Court ordered Shri Amit Shah to remain out of Gujarat and all political activities. He remained outside the State of Gujarat for a period of two years. The said order of the High Court was upheld by the Supreme Court.
Tulsi Prajapati encounter
Tulsi Prajapati was a case built up by the CBI as an extension to the Sohrabudin case. The CBI solicited the investigation of this case by making a specific prayer in the Court. Their ostensible case was that Tulsi Prajapati was a witness to the arrest and disappearance of Sohrabudin while in custody of the police officers and correspondingly he was eliminated by the Gujarat Police.
The only evidence mentioned against Shri Amit Shah by the CBI in this case was that he was regularly in touch with one police officer Shri R.K. Pandian, IPS who was an accused in the case. The vast contemporaneous record shows that Shri R.K.Pandian, IPS had been regularly in telephonic contact of Shri Amit Shah much before and after the incident as a part of his official duty since he was also heading the charge of SP, IB (Intelligence) of the State Police looking after political agitations and political activities.
Any Home Minister of any State will have to necessarily remain in touch with SP, IB (Intelligence) of the State Police looking after political agitations and political activities, since he had to keep himself informed about the activities on a regular basis.
Without a point of evidence a separate Charge Sheet was filed against Shri Amit Shah in the Tulsi Prajapati case. Very importantly, though the CBI was under the direction of the Supreme Court to complete the investigation of Tulsi Prajapati case within 6 months from 11-04-2011, the CBI deliberately and as a part of political conspiracy did not obey the direction and filed the Charge Sheet on 04-09-2012 so as to arrest Shri Amit Shah once again just few months before the Gujarat Legislative Assembly elections which were scheduled to be held before December, 2012.
Shri Amit Shah had to approach the Hon’ble Supreme Court. The Supreme Court vide its order date 08-04-2013 held that no separate charge sheet could be filed in this case since CBI itself had alleged that both the cases were similar and it merged the charge sheet with the Sohrabudin case charge sheet thereby preventing the CBI arresting Shri Amit Shah once again.
Tulsi Prajapati and the arrest of Shri Gulab Chand Kataria, former Home Minister Rajasthan
Shri Gulab Chand Kataria is the former Home Minister of Rajasthan and the present Leader of Opposition in the Rajasthan Legislative Assembly and a very important leader of Rajasthan BJP. He is a complete stranger to even the existence of such persons known as Sohrabudin and Tulsi Prajapati. The CBI filed a supplementary charge sheet against Gulab Kataria wherein it was alleged that the motive of elimination of Tulsi Prajapati by Gulab Kataria was extorting money from marble dealers of Rajasthan namely RK Marbles.
As per the CBI there were two motives; one the Gujarat Police wanted to eliminate him in order to eliminate the eye-witness in the Sohrabdun case and the Home Minister of Rajasthan wanted to eliminate him for extorting money from marble dealers.
What a co-incidence. It was alleged by the CBI that Shri Gulab Chand Kataria allegedly met one Shri D. G Vanjara, IPS of Gujarat Police allegedly between 26/12/2005 and 28/12/2005 at the Circuit House at Udaipur. The CBI evidence of his presence was that PS of Shri Gulab Chand Kataria was staying in the same Circuit House during that period and Shri D.G.Vanzara, IPS also stayed in the said Circuit House. However, records of the Rajasthan Government conclusively establish that Shri Gulab Chand Kataria along with his wife had flown on 25/12/2005 to Mumbai and stayed there till 2/1/2006. He attended the meeting of the BJP National Executive and thereafter a meeting of the National Council and after celebrating New Year along with his wife, returned to Jaipur on 2/1/2006.”
It is clear from the above that the charges were filed against Amit Shah at the behest of the then political Government.
There was legally no admissible evidence against him. Amit Shah’s application for discharge was opposed both by the CBI and Sohrabuddin’s brother. The court heard both their lawyers’.
The charge was without any basis. The fact that the CBI allowed itself to be misused is a cause for concern.
Since I had analyzed the alleged evidence, both during investigation and after the filing of the charge sheet, I was amongst the few voices which had consistently maintained in the past three years that the prosecution of Amit Shah was a case of “No Evidence”. Without analyzing the evidence in detail, the media allowed itself to report as was briefed by CBI. Even a vital noting on the CBI file that the implication of Amit Shah was necessary so that the then Chief Minister of Gujarat Shri Narendra Modi could be implicated, was no news for them.
I am relieved at the fact that we have an independent judicial system in India which has vindicated Amit Shah.
Arun Jetley
Present Finance Minister
The above details on this fabricated case built around Amit Shah by Congress government led by Dr Manmohan Singh and Sonia Gandhi, exposes Congress.
it becomes clearly evident from Mr Jetley´s factual records that establishes one very important act of criminality by the UPA government.
UPA led by PM Dr Manmohan Singh, the constitutional head of the country who assumed the responsibilities by taking Oath first to protect the rights of every citizen, without misusing and abusing the constitutional powers given to him to act as the Prime Minister of the country. He and his entire government misused the official powers to FIX his political opponents.
It is also true that in "another case called "Snoopgate" pursued by Congress against Amit Shah and Narendra Modi was fabricated, false and baseless and was initiated to politically assassinate Narendra Modi.
In all these fabricated cases, some corrupt NGOs, Human Right Activists played their roles constantly with some corrupt media houses by appearing on news channels with their completely orchestrated debates for 10 long years.
It is very important that, Corrupt media and corrupt NGOs who are receiving huge funds from some foreign sources are today also trying their best to destabilize Modi government, create anarchy in Indian politics with the support of Congress and political party like AAP. Congress and some of the other political parties with Congress are involved in playing anti national politics and indirectly weakening Democratic institutions of India and also trying to sabotage Modi government Development agenda to help some foreign powers who do not want India to becomes industrially, economically powerful in the region.
These corrupt political parties are helping them with their hidden agenda. India, Indian Govt led by Mr Modi needs to watch out and expose these anti national elements entered into Indian politics. Modi Govt should have a direct dialogue with the people who have given Mr Modi their mandate to govern.
It is a politically serious situation that these political parties have created by playing their communal vote bank politics. And it is very clear from their politics of Chaos inside and outside the parliament house that they are helping enemies of India and doing everything to make sure Mr Modi fails in his Development agenda and then these corrupt people can come back in power to loot this country.
Indians... watch out! Don't get fooled by their dishonest political propaganda.
Ajay Angre
Author, Writer, Publisher
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